What do you think of when someone says “content marketing”? If it’s copywriting, then there’s a world of opportunities that your small business may not be taking advantage of. With the ever-evolving digital space, content marketing is no longer just content writing. We need to think beyond just text and group other elements, such as images and video, as part of a well-rounded content strategy.
Here are five types of content that your small business should consider as part of your overall strategy.
- Images As Google and other technology giants invest in visual search, the images your business uses are more important than ever. Not only should they be visually appealing and correlate with the intention of the web page, it also needs to be optimized for image search purposes. This is when making sure your image is saved with keywords in the file name, as well as uploaded with proper image alt text, will increasingly be more crucial to send Google and other search engines signals of what the image contains.
- GIFs & Memes
- Videos After Google, YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. Therefore, you can imagine just how much people love to watch videos. Like images, videos are easier to consume compared to reading lengthy articles. In addition, there are some types of information that are better conveyed through video formats. For example, anything with sequential steps or that require complex explanations are often better as video content. This is a type of content that can be utilized cross-channel easily, too. YouTube videos can be embedded onto your website and cut for different platforms. As a reminder, YouTube’s also owned by Google, so remember to optimize your YouTube titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords.
- Infographics
- Newsletters Email newsletters are another great way to share information about new products to your consumers, keep them updated on in-store events and promotions, and collect valuable data (with their permission!) to build out your CRM lists. With email addresses and names, you’ll be able to further refine your conversion funnel and build a more well-rounded advertising strategy with better audience targeting.
GIFs and Memes are not disappearing any time soon. Of course, it depends on whether they align with your brand voice and image, but these forms of content can be very powerful if done correctly. Compared to when they were first utilized, GIFs and Memes are now actively being personalized by everyone online. To connect and engage with your customers, especially if you have a millennial or Gen Z audience, this type of fun content should be explored for your blog or social media posts.

Not only do infographics offer valuable information, they do so in a way that’s easily snackable and digestable. Infographics are a form of content that just keeps on giving, since it can be published on your website through a blog post with surrounding contextual copy, then shared to your social media platforms organically and even used in social ads. They typically showcase educational content, which can further validate your business’s knowledge in the industry too.
What types of content is your business already utilizing? Are there any that you want to begin, but don’t know where to start? Contact us today for a free consultation on your content marketing strategy!